There are several ways of removing a tattoo, both using the old traditional ways and using the new modern ways. These techniques act well in helping to eliminate tattoo from the choice area of the body... Methods like Dermabrasion Tattoo Removal, Excision, Cryosurgery, Salabrasion e.t.c
Tattoo Removal Methods
There are several different methods for tattoo removal nowadays. Laser treatment has benn in use since the 1980's. Before laser treatment was used, one or more of the below explained removal methods had to be used for removal.
1) Dermabrasion Tattoo Removal method: Dermabrasion is typically an affective method of removing tattoos which are no longer wanted but because each person and each tattoo is different, some might be harder to remove than others. Tattoos applied by profesionals are usually more easily removed than ones used by amateurs. This is because most amateur tattoos are applied at varying depths underneath the skin.
Professionally applied tattoos can usually be effectively eliminated by dermabrasion, but if the tattoo is quite old, or the pigment has been mistakenly deposited in deep in a person's subcutaneous fat, surgical excision might be the only removal option available.
If you decide that dermabrasion tattoo removal is for you remember to choose a board certified plastic surgeon that specializes in tattoo removal to do your procedure. Choosing a highly qualified professional will allow you to remain calm and confident throughout your procedure knowing that your body is in the hands of someone that you can trust.
2) Excision tattoo removal: The advantage of this method is that the entire tattoo can be removed. With larger tattoos, however, it may be necessary to excise in stages, removing the center of it initially and the sides at a later date.
This was the most common method prior to laser surgery. A dermatologist removes the tattoo with a scalpel and closes the wound again with stitches. If larger tattoos had been involved, a skin graft had to be taken from another part of the body to cover up the removed area.
Excision involves an injection of a local anesthetic to numb the area after which the tattoo is removed surgically. The edges are then brought together and sutured. With this procedure, there is minimal bleeding which is easily controlled with electrocautery. In some cases involving large tattoos, a skin graft taken from another part of the body may be
3) Lasers tattoo removal- In recent times, many physicians consider laser surgery one of the best methods of tattoo removal . Today, the Q-switched Nd:Yag, Q-switched Alexandrite and the Q-switched Ruby are among the most frequently used lasers today for the removal of unwanted tattoos. They are all employed in a similar manner. If necessary, a cream to numb the skin can be applied prior to the treatment. Pulses of light from the laser are directed onto the tattoo breaking up the tattoo pigment. Over the next several weeks the body's scavenger cells remove the treated pigmented areas. More then one treatment is usually necessary to remove all of the tattoo
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