There are some decisions in life that bring you regret later after some time has passed. One of those regrets can be a bad tattoo. Perhaps the artist was new at his craft and didn't do a great job or perhaps you chose a design that does not suit your personality or lifestyle anymore. Maybe you love the tattoo but it has faded or your skin has changed so you want to freshen it up. Or at worst you had the name of your lover etched in your skin forever only to realize that years later that choice was a bit too impulsive and you no longer even have a relationship.
There are many reasons that you might not love that old tattoo like you used to and perhaps you've even thought about laser removal to permanently get rid of it because it embarrasses you or just brings back painful memories every time you see it. You can have that old tattoo refreshed and retouched to look totally different from the original - you can even add some new colors to make it look new again. Giving that old art a fresh new look is much easier than you think so go tatt yourself!
The tattoo industry has changed drastically from what it was even 20 years ago. More and more folks, especially more women, are being inked and there are many more expert artists out there with great talent and skill who can do tattoo cover-ups effortlessly. You can get an extreme makeover on an old tattoo that will make the original look unrecognizable.
Let the artist know exactly what you want done and why you need it changed. Do some research and bring in photos or drawings of exactly what design or changes you have in mind. A professional tattoo artist will work with you to create exactly the image you want and can live with for the rest of your life. Be specific and clear so you don't end up leaving with fresh art that you will regret again later. You can surf the web for tattoo design galleries to assist you in making that big decision. You don't have to live with that old tattoo anymore
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